The Security Industry
However you Visualize It, security remains One Of The Top Priorities In Today's Modern Business environment. It Is This Priority Based On Which REDBOY Services And Success are Envisioned. REDBOY Is Committed To Ensuring This Freedom And Safe Guarding Their Clients Against Any Hindrance Towards Fully Developing Their Human Potential.
It Is The Need Of The Modern World That Brings A Team Of Security Service Professionals Having Clear And Strong Expertise In Various Domains Of security services, To Formulate REDBOY Using Their international Expertise, REDBOY Shall Induct Unique Security Standards, And Concepts Into Indian Enterprises.
RBS Pvt. Ltd. Company through its CSR initiatives proposes to enhance value creation in the society and in the community in which it operates, through its services, conduct and initiatives, so as to promote sustained growth for the society and community, in fulfillment of its role as a socially responsible corporate.
It seeks to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities. This includes building a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society.
This Corporate Social Responsibility Policy encompasses our philosophy, setting out our role as a responsible corporate citizen and lays down guidelines for undertaking programs for the benefit of different segments of society.
This Policy shall operate as the corporate social responsibility policy of the Company for the purposes of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made there under including the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules 2014 (“CSR Rules”) and other applicable provisions, as amended from time to time.
We propose to adopt one or more of the CSR activities as prescribed by applicable laws, including Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, as amended from time to time.
For achieving its CSR objectives through implementation of CSR Projects, we will allocate / spend an amount, in each financial year. The budgetary allocation will be based on the profitability of the Companies and in compliance with the requirements of applicable laws ,to be read along with amendments from time to time (“Annual CSR Budgets”)
We support programs to deliver the essentials to people, communities and areas in need, i.e. food, water and shelter. We believe in investing in and collaborating with partners with innovative solutions that help people improve their lives.
We focus on education, training and economic empowerment programs and partnerships to connect populations with information and opportunities they need to thrive. We believe in investing in partner organizations with real and innovative solutions to persistent problems.
Nothing is more important than the health, well being, safety and security of families and children. At RBS Pvt. Ltd. we aim to use our services and programs to give families and individuals access to healthcare facilities and to keep families safe and secure wherever they live, work and travel including dedicated attention and focus to provide women education and safety.
We work with leading child safety partners around the country to develop programs that educate teachers, parents, guardians and children on how to reduce risks of accident, abduction and abuse of women and children. We work towards achieving our vision of keeping women and children safe today so that they can thrive, prosper and succeed tomorrow.
In this regard, we at RBS Pvt. Ltd. propose to give special emphasis to the welfare of the girl child including taking steps to improve their health, well being and ensuring a secure environment for them to grow.
Nothing is more important than the health, safety and security of women. We aim to use our services and programs to give women access to safety and to keep their families safe and secure wherever they live, work and travel.
We work with leading women and child safety partners around the country to develop programs that educate teachers, parents, guardians, women and children on how to reduce risks of accident, abduction and abuse of women and children. We work towards achieving our vision of keeping women and children safe today so that they can thrive, prosper and succeed tomorrow.
At RBS Pvt. Ltd., we understand the importance of inspiring women and preparing the next generation with well-equipped knowledge. We also propose to encourage the participation of the girl child in our education initiatives. Through our CSR initiatives, we shall provide academic and material support to the girl child to enable them to complete their education.
Our education programs and partnerships improve access to quality education for women and children in India. We support education, uniform, reading material, mid-day meals of children of prison inmates and underprivileged section of the society, across the country.
All provisions of the CSR Policy would be subject to revision/amendment in accordance with the applicable laws.